Gorsuch is #SupremelyExtreme

Gorsuch is #SupremelyExtreme

This from Indivisible: On Monday, March 20, Judge Neil Gorsuch will have his first hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee as nominee to the United State Supreme Court. Gorsuch’s extreme record on everything from women’s rights to civil rights to corporate power is...
Sample script: Trumpcare

Sample script: Trumpcare

TOPIC: TRUMPCARE TARGET: SENATOR ROB PORTMAN First try Columbus, then DC, then one of the other Ohio offices. If you get a busy signal or voicemail, try again until you get a person, if possible. (Columbus Office: 614-469-6774; Main Switchboard 202-224-3121; DC Office...
Did you send your postcard?

Did you send your postcard?

We hope you sent a postcard to celebrate the #IdesofTrump today! In case you didn’t, however, please remember we’re in this for the long haul. You can send a postcard every other day until Trump is impeached or arrested! The President (for now) 1600...
Sample script: ACA replacement

Sample script: ACA replacement

Last week, the Republicans revealed their newest ACA replacement plan, the American Health Care Act. Many organizations have made public statements against the new plan in the days since its release. The Ohio Hospitals Association warned that the changes made in the...