Districtwide Organizational Meeting for District 15

Districtwide Organizational Meeting for District 15

Please Join Us Help us plan a strategy for reaching the dispersed District 15 constituents. April 9, 2017 5181 Northwest Parkway, 
Hilliard, Ohio 43026 1:30-3:00 p.m. We will discuss our goals and strategy for Resisting the Trump Agenda. We need County Coordinators in...
Sample script: Trumpcare

Sample script: Trumpcare

TOPIC: TRUMPCARE TARGET: SENATOR ROB PORTMAN First try Columbus, then DC, then one of the other Ohio offices. If you get a busy signal or voicemail, try again until you get a person, if possible. (Columbus Office: 614-469-6774; Main Switchboard 202-224-3121; DC Office...
Did you send your postcard?

Did you send your postcard?

We hope you sent a postcard to celebrate the #IdesofTrump today! In case you didn’t, however, please remember we’re in this for the long haul. You can send a postcard every other day until Trump is impeached or arrested! The President (for now) 1600...