Town Hall Tips from Indivisible!

Members of Congress will be in their districts the week of February 20-24, and we’re looking for opportunities to meet our Representatives and Senators. Here’s Indivisible’s Tips for a Successful Town Hall. Also, check your District’s Facebook...

District 3 Starter Guide

Attention Indivisible Cbus Dist 3 — Here is a link to ALL of the information from our first meeting: the PowerPoint, press release templates, the official memo from Senator Brown’s campaign, and lots of other helpful resources. Please don’t hesitate...

Welcome to Indivisible District 3!

We are excited to be sharing our first e-newsletter with you. Feel free to share with any others who may be interested. Don’t Miss Our Kick-Off Meeting! Sunday, Feb 12 3PM – First Unitarian Church If you haven’t yet registered, click here to go to...