District News

Vigil for the Vulnerable on Saturday 7/8
Sen. Rob Portman said he wants to protect "the most vulnerable in our society." If he votes for the AHCA/BCRA, he will put vulnerable Ohioans at risk. Statewide vigils will be held outside Children's Hospitals throughout Ohio while Sen. Portman is home during Recess...
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Join the People’s Hearing on the ACA Repeal
On Wednesday 6/28 from 9-10 am, many organizations are pulling together to hold a hearing on the ACA repeal bill currently pending in the Senate since the Senate doesn't plan to hold any hearings before a vote. Join them at Trinity Episcopal Church on Capitol Square...
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Tell Portman to Stop Playing Games with Our Healthcare
You are invited to join us for a protest action calling on Senator Portman to stop playing games with our healthcare and oppose Trumpcare (AHCA). Trumpcare is bad for care coverage, bad for our economy, and bad for working families. This is a dangerous game....
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Statewide Action to stop TrumpCare: Friday 6/23 at Noon
Join concerned constituents from Columbus and throughout the central Ohio area for a die in to protest the Senate's version of the AHCA. Simultaneous events at Senator Portman's other Ohio offices will allow us to send a clear message that the AHCA is unacceptable....
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Let’s Call Senator Portman About Trumpcare!
You might have heard or read that members of various Ohio Indivisible groups went to DC to visit Senator Portman because he refuses to hold a Town Hall to hear our concerns about his plans to repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act. We can't stop pressuring him. We...
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Save the Dates! District 15 Summer Events
Events in and around Indivisible Ohio District 15 for planning your summer fun! June 20 Conversation Ohio Town Hall Meeting @ 7:00 p.m. Pike County Senior Citizens Center, Waverly, OH June 21 Truth or Trump? Stakeout Steve Stivers rally @ 4:00 p.m. 104 E. Main St.,...
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Let’s Take the Town Hall to Washington!
Senator Portman has refused to hold a town hall in Ohio so we’re taking the town hall to him on June 20-21! We've chosen a Wednesday when Senate's in session and Portman offers his weekly constituent coffee. If Portman denies our submitted request for a group...
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It’s the Summer of Stivers in D15!
By popular demand, we will maintain a consistent, predictable presence outside Steve Stivers’ offices all summer.
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Letters to the Editor Workshop – Space Available
Writing a letter to the editor (LTE) is a great way to share your thoughts with a wide audience. We have a few spaces left in our LTE hands-on workshop. Bring an idea or topic for a letter to the editor. We'll learn about best practices for LTEs, write one, edit...
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On Saturday We March for Truth
This Saturday, we march for truth. It is not normal for our leaders to lie to us repeatedly and with no shame. We want to restore faith in American government. Our goal: demand an impartial investigation into Russian interference in the US election and ties to Donald...
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