District News

Districts without a Town Hall Unite
It's official! Districts 3, 12 & 15 have joined together to host a Town Hall for our representatives who won't hold a Town Hall. Join us to let Stivers, Tiberi and Portman know we are still paying attention, and we are not going away! Bring your questions for...
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Tax Day Stakeout at Stivers’!
Join us for a Tax Day Stakeout at Stivers! On Tax Day--April 18, 2017--we’re holding a stakeout at Congressman Steve Stivers’ 3 district offices in Hilliard, Lancaster, and Wilmington. President Trump still hasn’t released his tax returns, so we don’t know the extent...
read moreEveryone welcome at the Town Hall on the State of American Democracy
Representative Tiberi's scheduler has let us know that he won't be attending the 4/23 Town Hall. His voting record, though, will speak for him and we'll have a panel of experts to answer your questions about the Russia Investigation, the situation in Syria, the still...
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100 Days Without Steve Stivers rally
Join us in Triangle Park, Upper Arlington, to draw attention to Steve Stivers’ refusal to hold a town hall with constituents of District 15!
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Reminder: District 15 Meeting Sunday, April 9
Indivisible Ohio District 15 Organizational Meeting Sunday, April 9, 2017 from 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Help with strategies for reaching the dispersed District 15 constituents and learn new tools and resources for contacting your representatives and Resisting the Trump...
read moreShow your District Pride at Protests
District 12 members have created an online store where you can purchase a t-shirt with your zip code or district number on it. One of the creators said she was inspired to "show my zip code/district while I am standing at all these protests." A friend "designed some...
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Volunteer Opportunities for District 15 (April 9 planning meeting)
Help us gather momentum across District 15! We have plenty of ways for you to get involved at whatever level you choose.
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Districtwide Organizational Meeting for District 15
Please Join Us Help us plan a strategy for reaching the dispersed District 15 constituents. April 9, 2017 5181 Northwest Parkway, Hilliard, Ohio 43026 1:30-3:00 p.m. We will discuss our goals and strategy for Resisting the Trump Agenda. We need County Coordinators in...
read moreRob Portman tele-town hall sign-up is open
Sen. Portman hasn't exactly had an "open door policy" for his constituents to voice their frustrations with Portman, President Trump and the Republican Party leadership. But it appears an opportunity is on the horizon. Portman is hosting a tele-town hall THIS...
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Steve Stivers scoffs at District 15 protestors
In case you have any doubts—if your phone calls have been ignored, your emails dismissed, your faxes shredded and you still think there might be a reasonable person representing you—Representative Steve Stivers believes that all we want is to be bullies: “This...
read moreView Steve’s record of serving the wealthy: