District News

Rally for Women’s Health Care: 5/11 at noon
At this week's Sidewalk Action and Postcard Delivery, Indivisible OH12 partners with Planned Parenthood of Ohio to focus on the extremely harmful effects of the AHCA on women's access to affordable, appropriate healthcare. We meet at noon each Thursday in front of...
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Rally to Save Health Care 5/4 Noon
You've called, you've written, you've even mastered resistbot to stop Trumpcare, but the vote is happening tomorrow. Join Indivisible OH12 as we rally to Save Health Care at noon just outside of Rep. Tiberi's office at 250 E. Wilson Bridge Rd in Worthington. Bring a...
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Resisting Trump’s Agenda: District 12 Newsletter Available
We are just getting started! Read our newsletter to find out how to speak up to protect the ACA, to see highlights of the #OHTownHall where our MOCs were MIA, but we sure weren't, and to check out our new activities and summer plans. If you'd like to get the...
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Join us at the #OHTownHall tonight!
Reminder that the #OHTownHall on the future of our democracy is tonight. Doors open at 4:30. All are welcome. Bring your questions for our #MOCsMIA and a food item for the Our Lady of Guadalupe Food Pantry. Nearby parking alternatives include Our Lady of Peace...
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Pick up some new skills at the Activist Fair at the #OHTownHall Sunday evening
Sunday evening, Districts 3, 12, and 15 are joining together to host the Town Hall on the State of American Democracy: Which way forward? Get the details and RSVP here. But, have you heard that we will hold an Activist Fair on Sunday before and after the Town Hall?...
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Districts without a Town Hall Unite
It's official! Districts 3, 12 & 15 have joined together to host a Town Hall for our representatives who won't hold a Town Hall. Join us to let Stivers, Tiberi and Portman know we are still paying attention, and we are not going away! Bring your questions for...
read moreEveryone welcome at the Town Hall on the State of American Democracy
Representative Tiberi's scheduler has let us know that he won't be attending the 4/23 Town Hall. His voting record, though, will speak for him and we'll have a panel of experts to answer your questions about the Russia Investigation, the situation in Syria, the still...
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District 12 Newsletter – April 10, 2017
These are strange and difficult times. We are not winning every battle--but we are winning some! Now is the time to keep pressing forward, demanding that our elected officials listen to us and respond to our concerns. Current events are concerning and it's tempting to...
read moreSign Up for Daily Call to Actions via Email
Want to receive a suggestion for a concrete action you can take each day to resist the Trump agenda? Indivisible OH12 has been posting these every day on our public Facebook page, and recently added an email service. While the actions are written for the 12th...
read moreRSVP to the District 12 Town Hall
On April 23 at 5 pm, Indivisible OH12 will host a town hall for all District 12 constituents. RSVP via Facebook or Eventbrite. Our first town hall to protect the ACA was a huge success! Please join us at this next town hall, where we will hear stories from our...
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