District News

Celebrating a Win, but Staying Vigilant: District 12 Newsletter
Whether you stayed up to watch or woke up to the news, the defeat of the ACA repeal was a sweet victory. I hope you gave yourself a pat on the back and three cheers for a job well done! But things are way too crazy to get cocky. We're monitoring the situation so we...
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Tiberi Weekly Action: Speak Up about the Environment
Are you concerned about this administration's impact on our environment? Want to share how you feel with Representative Tiberi? Indivisible OH-12 would like to invite you to join us this Thursday, July 27, for our weekly visit to Pat Tiberi's Worthington office where...
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Health care, Health care, Health care- it ain’t over ’til it’s over: Indivisible OH12 News
Check out District 12's latest newsletter to find out how you can help stop the ACA from being repealed, speak up about environmental issues at Tiberi's office this week, and more. If you want to get our newsletter in your very own inbox, you can sign up here....
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We’re Watching YOU, Senator Portman: Kill the Bill!
Our theme is “All Eyes on Portman: We Are Watching YOU!” Please bring signs, banners, props, interpretive dance moves, costumes, and accessories with googly eyes on them!
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Vigil for the Vulnerable on Saturday 7/8
Sen. Rob Portman said he wants to protect "the most vulnerable in our society." If he votes for the AHCA/BCRA, he will put vulnerable Ohioans at risk. Statewide vigils will be held outside Children's Hospitals throughout Ohio while Sen. Portman is home during Recess...
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Thursdays at Tiberi’s Office: Wheel of Misfortune
This is week 23 of our Thursday noon visits to Congressman Tiberi's office! He won't hold a townhall and talk to us, so we go to him. We stand outside his office for about 30 minutes then go inside to deliver our postcards or other documents to Tiberi's staff. We are...
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All District 12 Potluck and BBQ: Sunday July 9
Standing up to the Trump agenda is hard work. Join us for a BBQ to recharge and to meet Indivisible OH12 members from across Ohio's 12th Congressional District. Have fun with new and old friends. We will share ideas and stories and inspire each other to keep on...
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Join the People’s Hearing on the ACA Repeal
On Wednesday 6/28 from 9-10 am, many organizations are pulling together to hold a hearing on the ACA repeal bill currently pending in the Senate since the Senate doesn't plan to hold any hearings before a vote. Join them at Trinity Episcopal Church on Capitol Square...
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District 12 News: Help us save the ACA and end gerrymandering
Our newsletter - with action items to save the ACA and end gerrymandering - just went out. Why wait? You can view it now. If you want to sign up to our newsletter in your very own inbox, sign up...
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Tell Portman to Stop Playing Games with Our Healthcare
You are invited to join us for a protest action calling on Senator Portman to stop playing games with our healthcare and oppose Trumpcare (AHCA). Trumpcare is bad for care coverage, bad for our economy, and bad for working families. This is a dangerous game....
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