District News

OH12 1st Anniversary Celebration and Flat Pat Retirement Party!
On Tuesday, January 30th, we'll celebrate Indivisible OH12's first year and re-engage for the struggle ahead. We will have a chance to say goodbye to Flat Pat (Tiberi). The evening will start out with an OH12 Subgroups Fair with booths from groups through out Ohio's...
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OH12 Listening Forum on Candidates
2018 will bring a special election in OH12 to replace Rep. Pat Tiberi. Even before we know the date of the special election, we can begin by thinking about what we are looking for in a candidate. Here's an opportunity to meet face to face with other OH12 members and...
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Indivisible OH12 Happy Hour & Postcard Party (NEW LOCATION)
New Location - The Polaris Pub has closed permanently, so we will be meeting at the Keystone Pub & Patio, 1081 Gemini Pl, Columbus, Ohio 43240. Same time - January 24, 2018 6-8 PM. Join us as we gather to hang out, socialize, strategize, and write postcards to...
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Campaigns 101 with Indivisible Westerville
If you've never volunteered for a political campaign (or if it's been awhile), come learn the basics of how campaigns operate. This will be a great orientation to volunteering for campaigns before the 2018 elections get into high gear! Everyone is welcome. Sunday,...
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March for Tax Justice
Join us to say no to the #GOPTaxScam! Saturday, Dec. 9, at NOON, Ohio Statehouse
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Indivisible Flash Activism
Visit 15-minute activism stations where you can learn a variety of skills for immediate and effective activism!
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Week 40 of Thursdays at Tiberi’s: Reunion Rally & #nofreepass!
This will be our 40th week protesting at Tiberi's office in Worthington! Join us for a sidewalk protest and visit in to speak to Tiberi's staff. We need to send a message that we are in it for the long haul, and whoever gets Tiberi's job will have #NoFreePass from us!...
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Messaging for Progressive Groups
Join us as Indivisible Westerville hosts groups across Indivisible OH12 for a messaging training session. Rachel Bowman of For Ohio's Future will present a training session on how to deliver a compelling message to a crowd, in an interview, or online. Communication...
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OH12 Happy Hour & Postcard Party in Dublin
Come hang out with fellow Indivisible members and write postcards to our elected officials and to voters. We'll have the postcards & pens - just bring your opinions! We'll also talk about how to write good letters to the editors and maybe write a few. If...
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Hands on Training: How to Hold Your Members of Congress Accountable
One of the most effective resistance tactics is to directly confront politicians and put them on the spot in public. But that can be intimidating. Training and practice helps overcome that anxiety. Join us for this training on Wednesday, October 25 at 6:30 PM – 9 PM
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