Need postcards?

Need postcards?

The folks at the #AndIVote project sent me a sample of their beautiful postcards, and I think they’re amazing. Anyone who is looking to do a postcard campaign or just ensure your elected officials know how you feel should check out this website to order!...
Gorsuch is #SupremelyExtreme

Gorsuch is #SupremelyExtreme

This from Indivisible: On Monday, March 20, Judge Neil Gorsuch will have his first hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee as nominee to the United State Supreme Court. Gorsuch’s extreme record on everything from women’s rights to civil rights to corporate power is...

Town Hall Tips from Indivisible!

Members of Congress will be in their districts the week of February 20-24, and we’re looking for opportunities to meet our Representatives and Senators. Here’s Indivisible’s Tips for a Successful Town Hall. Also, check your District’s Facebook...