Useful info: Ohio Dept Health
Protect yourself and your friends
Scammers are using COVID to get your personal information. If you didn’t have enough to worry about with the new coronavirus, here’s one more thing: Scammers are using the outbreak to steal your information through phishing attempts or to lure you into downloading a different kind of virus. Read the article to get some tips on how to make sure a scammer doesn’t get your information. Then share with friends. https://www.vox.com/recode/2020/3/5/21164745/coronavirus-phishing-email-scams
Face masks
It’s just common sense to try and wear a mask type barrier when venturing out to any public place. The link above is a useful tutorial for those who sew to construct a mask with a pocket for a reusable filter made out of dampened, then dried, tissue. 2 layers of tightly woven pre-washed cotton fabric is the best material.
Stay safe while grocery shopping
From googling to find our stores least busy hours, staying at least 6 feet away from other people, to cleaning up before, during and after, there are many ways we can protect ourselves from the Coronavirus while shopping for groceries. This article from Consumer Reports is worth a read .
State Of Ohio Legislation
As you know, we are currently in a Constitutional Crisis with our primary election not being completed. In the next few days the Legislature will be meeting to work on resetting the election date and other laws that need to be addressed during this time of emergency. Also, the Ohio Supreme Court may also rule on the election date. If you are on Facebook, we highly suggest you follow “How Things Work at the Statehouse” for up to date information. This is the link to their facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1202571436523926/
Save these numbers:
- Speaker Larry Householder: 614-466-2500
- Senate President Larry Obhof: 614-466-7505
- Governor Mike DeWine: 614-466-4357
- Secretary of State Frank LaRose: 614-466-2655
- Ohio Democratic Party: 614-221-6563
- Ohio Republican Party: 614-228-2481
From Adam Parkhomenko’s BigStuff.us newsletter (subscribe for sarcastic but useful news):
Do not take any medicine or medicine combinations suggested by a gameshow host with no medical training and a belief in invisible planes.
National activism and information
From national Indivisible
Regardless of party, your senators need to hear loud and clear from you that you demand they put people over profits as we navigate the economic options to help citizens through COVID-19 (you can read more about what a people-first response looks like at #PeopleOverProfits Hub). Here’s what you can do right now:
- Call both your senators to demand they center people over profits. Even if they aren’t taking calls today (we’re hearing reports that some are), leave a voicemail. Text PPL to 977-79 and we’ll connect you, or use this call page to read through the script and get connected. If voicemail boxes are full, you can also send an email here.
- Record a 30 second video that says people over profits. We’re compiling videos from all over the country from people just like you with a simple message: your name, where you’re from, and that you demand a people-first response from your members of Congress. Visit our video tool, look at the camera from your computer or phone, say your name and where you’re from, and the message, “I demand Congress put people over profits.” We’ll tag your senators, and you can share with friends and neighbors to get involved in this fight.
The census is incredibly important to ensure our communities are getting our share of federal dollars. You can fill out the census online by going to: https://my2020census.gov/login or call 1-844-330-2020. Once you are done you can send the link to family and friends. Let’s get counted!
Here are some additional instructions:
- If you have received a letter in the mail use the code enclosed to login
- If you have not received a letter in the mail with your code you can still fill out the census – just click on the link where the boxes are and under the login button in blue: “If you do not have a census ID. Click here”
Pro tip – you can’t go backwards – if you made a mistake log out and start over