Remember *this* guy?

We tried hard to defeat him. But like a chewed-up wad of gum you can’t scrape from your shoe sole, we’re stuck with him for another two years.

You know what’s different?


And there’s a whole lotta legislation we’ll be making sure he votes the RIGHT way on.

First, though, the government has to reopen.

Join us Tuesday afternoon for a visit to his office to shame him for his “No” vote to keep the shutdown going. He voted to keep the layoff for 800,000 American workers! There are more than 5,000 federal workers right here in District 15, too.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019 
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Visit Stivers’ offices to demand change and pester staff
(Lancaster office  ♦  Hilliard office)

4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Stand outside his office to alert the public that Stivers likes layoffs
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Convene for tacos and transmissions to write cards and letters
(Lancaster: Maria’s Mexican Restaurant  ♦  Hilliard: Habenero’s)

We’ll visit his office, pester his staff, and then head to a local joint for Tuesday Tacos to write letters and cards we’ll deliver the following week. We’ll supply the cards and sample scripts if you need ’em. Stay for all or part of this event!

Facebook event link