Share the skills you’ve learned since November 2016!
We’ll be holding our next Indivisible Ohio District 15 meeting at the beautiful Adena Mansion in Chillicothe, Ohio—in the heart of Ross County, one of the 12 counties making up District 15. (Facebook event link.)
We plan to have 10-12 Flash Activism tables, where you can get a lot done for your democracy (writing your MoCs, calling their offices, writing a letter to the editor, and others) in a short time with different stations led by Indivisible members who have expertise to share.
You could be one of those experts!
We know you’ve learned a lot in the last 9 months. Now you can share your knowledge with others in a hands-on workshop format. Our meeting attendees will cycle through stations in 15-minute increments, and we’re focusing on making sure that they leave the meeting having completed some activism: a postcard, a draft script to call Smug Steve Stivers, a call to Smug Steve, a draft of a letter to the editor….
Contact Leah G for more information or browse our sign-up sheet for ideas. And then…sign up to broaden your reach by sharing your skills!