Our target today is Senator Rob Portman.
Let’s call the DC office as our top target: 202-224-3353
(Other numbers: Columbus 614-469-6774; Main Switchboard 202-224-3121; Cincinnati 513-684-3265; Cleveland 216-522-7095; Toledo 419-259-3895.)
If you can’t get through, keep trying until you do rather than leaving a message, if at all possible.
(If you don’t get Facebook notifications and need the person above you to text you as well, please leave a comment.)
(If you want to be added or deleted, leave a comment here and I’ll edit the post accordingly.)
Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].
I’m calling to express my opposition to the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. President Trump is currently under FBI investigation for his ties to Russia and must not be allowed to appoint a justice given the unresolved questions about his presidency’s legitimacy.
[Optional – mention any of the issues below that concern you]
Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.
Background (from 5calls.org)
“Neil Gorsuch (pronounced GorSUCH, rhymes with “much”), Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy, is an avowed originalist and an enemy of women’s healthcare, LGBTQ rights, and access to justice. Gorsuch has ruled that companies can refuse contraception coverage to women on religious grounds, ruled that a transgender woman could not use a bathroom matching her gender identity because of safety concerns, and upheld the “qualified immunity” of a police officer who tasered a man in the head. As the NAACP Legal Defense Fund pointed out in their brief opposing Gorsuch’s nomination, Gorsuch has criticized the use of the courts to defend equal rights, claiming that “American liberals” are using constitutional litigation to “effect [their social agenda] on everything from gay marriage to assisted suicide to the use of vouchers for private-school education.” The National Women’s Law Center just published a letter from a former student of Gorsuch’s, who alleged that Gorsuch said employers should ask women about their plans to have children when hiring because women manipulated companies to get maternity benefits.
All of these extreme views would be sufficient grounds to oppose Gorsuch’s nomination. However, Gorsuch’s nomination is especially problematic given the recent confirmation by FBI Director James Comey that the FBI is investigating Russian interference into Trump’s election. A president who may have been elected thanks to involvement by a foreign power should not be able to appoint a Supreme Court justice, whose tenure could last for decades.”